Thursday, February 17, 2011

DC's 4th Annual Forum for Urban Gardens

Rooting DC will offer a range of workshops and hands-on learning opportunities for new and old green thumbs alike. It will:
  • Build community among groups and individuals who want to improve our city through gardening and greening
    Share information and resources about gardening and greening in DC
  • Provide opportunity for DC gardeners to coalesce around specific areas of interest
  • Identify volunteer opportunities by creating a database of community based garden projects
  • Keep gardeners connected via monthly e-newsletters that highlight volunteer opportunities, events and news from participants

Join others for the event Saturday, February 19. More information is available in this flier.

Youth Power for Peace Summit

Please join us in Ward 1  Satruday February 19th 2011, as we attempt to stop youth violence and increase the peace city wide. This event is being sponsored by NCLR, LAYC, Barrios Unidos, DPR, and other Community Organizations.

Time 10 am-4 pm
Location Mary & Lougham Center
2500 14th Street NW Washginton DC 20010  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Parenting Workshop March 4, 2011 at 6 pm

Please join the Columbia Heights/Shaw Family Support Collaborative, as we host a parenting workshop at Columbia Heights Educational Campus, as we may increase community awareness in Ward 1.

Contact Person
Lucy Lemus, Parent Coordinator—(202) 939-6680
Silvia Diaz 2--- (202) 319-7599