Please be sure to RSVP by March 17 to swotdc (at) gmail (dot) com so we are sure to have enough materials and food for attendees.
SWOTMarch19FlierSunday, February 28, 2010
March SWOT meeting, 3/19
Monday, February 22, 2010
Support an alternative use for Bruce Monroe
If you think that an alternative use of Bruce Monroe is more desirable than the plan to make it into a parking lot, then be sure to check out This site includes a petition to "stop the lot", meeting announcements, and other opportunities to weigh in and take action in support a "greener, more community- and youth-oriented use that will serve the neighborhood instead of detracting from it." (Go here for more on Stop the Lot.)
Georgia Avenue development - two meetings this week
And later this week, the community will meet with Ward 1 CM Jim Graham and representatives from the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development to discuss the current activities and priorities for Georgia Ave. The meeting will be held on February 24 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Bruce Monroe School at Parkview Elementary Auditorium, 3560 Warder Street NW.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Programa para padres de familia/Parenting classes in Spanish
Programa Para Padres de Familia
Reminder: February 19 SWOT meeting
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Short-term use of Bruce Monroe meeting February 16
The meeting is being convened by Ward 1 CM Jim Graham. The purpose is to discuss ideas for a short term use plan for the old Bruce Monroe site. He is looking to stakeholders for ideas on how to best use the space during the interim period.
"Kojo In Your Community" live in Ward 1 February 23
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Healing Hearts Support Group/Amigas del Corazón
Grupo de terapia para sobrevivientes de la violencia doméstica. Conectar. . . Sanar. . . Crecer. . . es posible. Este grupo es gratuito y confidencial.
Healing Hearts March 2010Grupo de Apoyo March 2010
Neighborhood newsletter a collective project
The newsletter is produced with a small budget and distributed door-to-door to 1,300 residents and businesses by the youth of Mentoring Works2 and the ECAC. Residents and businesses can help support this community newsletter in numerous ways. Chek them out by going to this site to buy ad space or the ECAC to make a tax-deductible donation to the ECAC, noting that the donation is for the PPNN.
Neighborhood greening grant proposal deadline nearing
Washington Parks & People is particularly interested in community and neighborhood greening projects in underserved areas with the potential for the greatest impact.
More information is on the Washingtoon Parks & People website.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training in March
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Seniors and snow removal
Green Team Takes Snowmageddon Down
Some of what the Green Team did:
- Saturday: 11 GT members targeted U street wheel chair ramps, sidewalks, and bus stops. They put in five hours in blizzard conditions and cleared the ramps from 14th and U to 9th and U.
- Sunday: 13 GT members targeted Columbia Heights 14th Street corridor. The weather conditions were better and they succeeded in clearing wheelchair ramps, sidewalks, and bus stops from 14th and Spring Road to 14th and Park Road. In the five hours on the job, residents and businesses complimented the team members on the job they were doing, the service they were providing, in the community.
- Monday: Shaw from 9th and U Street to 9th and S Street and 7th and Florida Avenue to 7th and S Street was cleared by about 20 team members. They cleared wheelchair ramps, sidewalks, and bus stops. Again, lots of compliments from community members.
- Tuesday: Many more Green Team members worked on Kennedy Street and Georgia Avenue. The nearly 30 members worked for seven hours clearing wheelchair ramps, sidewalks, and bus stops. Compliments were common from neighbors. Representatives from the mayor’s office stopped by to observe these hard working individuals. Ward 4 CM Muriel Bowser also stopped by.
Our hat is off to our Collaborative colleagues who braved the blizzard to make the sidewalks safer for us all!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Help the city address the digital divide
According to third annual Speed Matters survey of Internet speeds by the Communications Workers of America (CWA), the District ranks 10 out of 53 (the states plus DC, Puerto Rico, and USVI) in the organization's download speed list. Not so surprising is the breakdown by zip code of download speeds in the CWA DC report.
Certainly, the digital divide is not all about speed. So what is it about, then? The most simple definition is this: The term digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to electronic and information technology and those who do not. It is sometimes couched as an urban versus rural dispartity or socio-economic level difference.
You don't have to be a tech expert to contribute to this event. In fact, some of the sponsors of the event (DC Public Library, Department of Parks and Recreation, and Department of Employment Services) are not experts in technology. Your participation is needed precisely because the city is interested in increasing all parts of digital literacy -- from ensuring all residents have equal access to the Internet to making sure that computer training and affordable hardware is widely available and affordable.
So be sure to take the short survey and register for this free event.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
February SWOT meeting, February 19
We took what you said at the January kickoff meeting to create the agenda. So, the event will feature a presentation from an affordable housing expert and more breakout groups! Details about the event, including how to RSVP, are in the flier below.
SWOTFebruaryMonthlyMeetingFlierSaturday, February 6, 2010
Comments sought on city plan for senior citizens
This is why it is so important that the public review and comment on the draft District of Columbia State Plan on Aging for Fiscal Years 2011-2013. The Office on Aging is seeking public comment as required under the Older Americans Act (P-L 109-365) amended in 2006. The plan is directly linked to the receipt of federal funds, reported to be more than $6 million. According to the Office on Aging,
The plan serves as a blueprint on how the Office on Aging will spend the funds for the next three years. The goals of the plan are to: (1) increase the health and social supports for older residents to enable them to stay in their own home longer; (2) through education, outreach, and advocacy, empower older persons and stakeholders to make more informed decisions about services that impact on quality of life and long term care outcomes; and (3) expand programs and improve coordination, enhance services and outreach to older persons and older persons with disabilities, who are vulnerable and at-risk concerning safety and health access issues.
Comments on the plan are due to the Office on Aging by March 31.
The Office on Aging's questionnaire for family and caregivers is another tool the office is using to gather input. That is available by going online or calling Anne Williams at 741-5887.
(a) Data from Caliper Corporation via the Office of Planning
(b) Data from the Office of Planning; Census 2000 data
February 13 TPS workshop for Haitians
Details about the event where Haitians will receive application assistance are in the fliers, below.
Flyer on HaitianTPSWorkshopDCFeb13 ENGLISHFlyer on Haitian TPS Workshop DC Feb 13 FRENCH
Friday, February 5, 2010
Domestic violence workshop postponed
Updated winter emergencies info sheet
Winter Emergencies Contact Info
Thursday, February 4, 2010
February 5 data meeting cancelled
Seminar by MPD vice units is learning opp for youth services providers
Khaleedah Harris, director of C.O.I.N.N.S., urges nonprofits serving youth to attend this meeting -- to learn and to be part of the solution. Read more about the event and Khaleedah's take on how the public can best use the opportunity in the document below.
MPDViceSeminar-NonprofitResponseData meeting 2/5
On Friday, February 5, the Ward 1 data subcommittee of the Strengthening Ward One Together initiative will meet to discuss projects raised at the January meeting. The meeting will be held at the Thurgood Marshall Center (1816 12th St. NW) from 1:00 - 2:00 pm. We will be finalizing a Ward 1 fact sheet, editing the service provider needs/assets survey, providing updates on the service provider inventory project and discussing other possible next steps. Please email Jess Quaranto at if you are interested in attending. All are welcome.
A new use for Bruce Monroe
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Recap of criminal justice forum
Park View UNC meeting, February 3
The meeting is at 7:00 pm at Park View Recreation Center, 693 Otis Place, NW.
Important info for nonprofits regarding volunteers
DCBar Alert--Waivers of Liability for Volunteers
Monday, February 1, 2010
February 20 community beautification event
Domestic violence workshop
Of the 2,556 intake center clients who indicated residency, only 6% indicated they resided in Wards 1, 3 and 6 (and outside DC). Still, 6% is too many.
MPD’s Fourth District is sponsoring a domestic violence workshop, "Hope, Learn, and Heal", on February 6 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. More information about the workshop is in the flier, below.
Domestic Violence Flier