Monday, December 7, 2009

Turning Point Center Recruiting Families

Throughout December, Salvation Army is recruiting applicants for its Turning Point Center for Women and Children located at 1434 Harvard Street, NW.

The Turning Point Center is an intensive, two-year, transitional living program offering housing and supportive services to guide homeless families to independent living and self-sufficiency.   The program targets single parent families, headed by women ages 16 to 30 years.   Candidates should have no more than four children, should be homeless or in an unstable living situation, and, most importantly, should be motivated to make positive changes in their lives.

If you have clients or know people who are eligible and interested in committing to a life-changing program, refer them to a Turning Point Center information session so that the full details of the program's requirements and offerings can be explained.   After completion of this information session, interested applicants can ask for a referral form to be completed in conjunction with their case manager.   Fully completed referral packets with accompanying relevant information will be due just after the holidays.

After the referral is received, candidates will be contacted for an interview with the Turning Point Clinical Team.   Please note that the submission of an application packet does not guarantee an interview and that an interview does not guarantee acceptance into the Turning Point Program.

The referral and interview process usually takes 4-6 weeks to complete.   Therefore, candidates in a "crisis" situation may not be appropriate if they cannot maintain stability in their current residence until the process is complete.   They anticipate accepting 10-12 new families for move in early February 2010.

An information session can be scheduled at your site if you have three or more potential candidates.

Sessions will also be offered at the Turning Point Center itself throughout the month of December for candidates from those agencies that may only have one or two potential referrals.   Your client must call to reserve her space.

Attendance at an information session is mandatory and applications will not be accepted for those candidates who have not completed this part of the process.

For more information or to reserve a space for an information session, contact Pamela T. Lieber, LICSW, Program Director at 202-250-7721 or Pam [UNDERSCORE] Lieber [AT] uss [DOT] salvationarmy [DOT] org.

Thanks to DC Campaign's Spreading the Word for this information.

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